Die Installation der Autodesk Deployment geht komplett ohne Nachfrage, hier einige Beispiele
Alles ohne Gewähr und Support !
REM ############################################################## REM Erst mal aufs Lokales Laufwerk ! C: cd \ REM ############################################################## REM Deployment Server SET INST_PATH=\\Server\deploy SET INST_LOG1="%TEMP%\Speedup_Inv.log" SET INST_LOG2="%TEMP%\Speedup_Vlt.log" REM ############################################################## IF EXIST %INST_LOG1% DEL %INST_LOG1% IF EXIST %INST_LOG2% DEL %INST_LOG2%" msiexec /i "%INST_PATH%\speedup\Speedup for Inventor.msi" /passive /norestart /log %INST_LOG1% msiexec /i "%INST_PATH%\speedup\Vault Speedup 2021.msi" /passive /norestart /log %INST_LOG2% IF EXIST %INST_LOG1% START NOTEPAD %INST_LOG1% IF EXIST %INST_LOG2% START NOTEPAD %INST_LOG2% xcopy %INST_PATH%\__workspace__ c:\__workspace__ /I /S /E /R /Y REGEDIT /S c:\__workspace__\Tresor\Vorlagen\SpeedUp\speedup.reg Copy /Y "C:\__workspace__\Tresor\Vorlagen\SpeedUp\2021.addin\CadTeamHandzik.SpeedUp.Inventor.addin" "C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Inventor 2021\Addins" Copy /Y "C:\__workspace__\Tresor\Vorlagen\SpeedUp\2021.rules\AddInLoadRules.xml" "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Inventor 2021\Preferences" del "C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Inventor Addins\CadTeamHandzik.SpeedUp.Inventor.addin" TIMEOUT /T 50
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?> <AddInLoadRules> <!-- Path rules Only paths that require Administrator privileges to write to should be specified as "Allow" here. Any path can be blocked with a "Block" setting. The line below allows the 3Dconnexion (3D Mouse) add-in if it is installed to its default location. --> <TrustedPath Policy="Allow">C:\Program Files\3Dconnexion\</TrustedPath> <TrustedPath Policy="Allow">C:\__workspace__\Tresor\Vorlagen\SpeedUp\2021</TrustedPath> <!-- Publisher rules Trusted publishers should be added to the Operating System's Trusted Store if possible. They can optionally be specified here. If they are in the Trusted Store, it is not necessary to have an entry here. Note that publishers can be either trusted or not trusted in the Trusted Store (and here). These examples show allowing and blocking fictitious publishers: <Publisher Policy="Allow">ACME Software, Inc.</Publisher> <Publisher Policy="Block">Malware Unlimited, LLC.</Publisher> --> <!-- ID rules These rules refer to the add-in by its "ClientId" value (a GUID) in the .addin file that describes the add-in. Add-ins should only be blocked, not allowed, by an ID rule, since add-in GUIDs are easily discoverable and not checked for uniqueness. Thus a malicious add-in could copy the GUID from an add-in that has been allowed by ID and would be permitted to load. This example shows blocking a known (fictitious) bad add-in: <Id Policy="Block">{4CD437C3-1360-4A34-841F-F877DAF4969D}</Id> --> <!-- Fallback rule This rule specifies what to do if no other rules apply to an add-in. The other rules include Inventor's internal rules (for add-ins supplied by Autodesk) and any rules appearing above this rule in this file. If the policy for this rule is "Block", any add-ins not covered by previous rules will be silently blocked. No dialog will be presented to the user. This is the most secure setting, and is the one that should be used by administrators wishing to prevent all loading of non-approved add-ins by end users. If the policy for this rule is "Allow", any add-ins not covered by previous rules will be silently allowed. No dialog will be presented to the user. This eliminates all checking for unknown add-ins, so it is the most insecure option and is not recommended. If there is no fallback rule (e.g. it is commented out), or the value of the rule is something other than "Allow" or "Block", the end user will be prompted the first time an add-in attempts to load. After the first time, the user's choice will be remembered. --> <!-- Uncomment this line for maximum administrator control <Fallback Policy="Block"></Fallback> --> </AddInLoadRules>
Deployment Name : acd_2021
REM ############################################################## REM Erst mal auf Lokales Laufwerk ! C: cd \ REM ############################################################## REM Deployment Server SET INST_SRV=\\server\deploy SET INST_LOG1="%TEMP%\Acad2021.1.log" REM ############################################################## REM AutoCAD IF EXIST %INST_LOG1% DEL %INST_LOG1% %INST_SRV%\acd_2021\Img\Setup.exe /W /qb /I %INST_SRV%\acd_2021\Img\ACAD_2021.ini /Trial /language de-de "%INST_SRV%\Service\AutoCAD_2021.1_Update_64bit.exe" /install /passiv /quiet /log %INST_LOG1% IF EXIST %INST_LOG1% START NOTEPAD %INST_LOG1% TIMEOUT /T 50
REM ############################################################## REM Erst mal aufs Lokales Laufwerk ! C: cd \ REM ############################################################## REM Deployment Server SET INST_SRV=\\server\deploy SET INST_LOG1="%TEMP\Mech2021.0.1.log" REM ############################################################## REM Mechanical 2020 IF EXIST %INST_LOG1% DEL %INST_LOG1% %INST_SRV%\mec_2021\Img\Setup.exe /W /qb /I %INST_SRV%\mec_2021\Img\MECH_2021.ini /Trial /language de-de %INST_SRV%\Service\AutoCAD_Mechanical_2021.0.1_Update_64bit.exe /install /passiv /quiet /log %TEMP\Mech2021.0.1.log IF EXIST %INST_LOG1% START NOTEPAD %INST_LOG1% TIMEOUT /T 50
REM ############################################################## REM Erst mal aufs Lokales Laufwerk ! C: cd \ REM ############################################################## REM Deployment Server SET INST_SRV=\\ser???ver\deploy SET INST_LOG1="%TEMP%\Inv2021.2.log" REM ############################################################## IF EXIST %INST_LOG1% DEL %INST_LOG1% IF EXIST %INST_LOG2% DEL %INST_LOG2% %INST_SRV%\inv_2021\Img\Setup.exe /W /qb /I %INST_SRV%\inv_2021\Img\INV_2021.ini /Trial /language de-de %INST_SRV%\Service\Inventor_2021.2_Update.exe /install /passiv /quiet /log %INST_LOG1% IF EXIST %INST_LOG1% START NOTEPAD %INST_LOG1% TIMEOUT /T 50
Deployment Name : vlt_2021
REM ############################################################## REM Erst mal aufs Lokales Laufwerk ! C: cd \ REM ############################################################## REM Deployment Server SET INST_SRV=\\server\deploy SET INST_LOG1="%TEMP%\Vlt2021.3.log" REM ############################################################## REM Vault 2021 IF EXIST %INST_LOG1% DEL %INST_LOG1% "%INST_SRV%\vlt_2021\Img\Setup.exe" /W /qb /I %INST_SRV%\vlt_2021\Img\VLT_2021.ini /Trial /language de-de "%INST_SRV%\Service\Autodesk_Vault_2021.1_Update_(Client).exe" /install /passiv /quiet /log %INST_LOG1% IF EXIST %INST_LOG1% START NOTEPAD %INST_LOG1% TIMEOUT /T 50
REM ############################################################## REM Erst mal aufs Lokales Laufwerk ! C: cd \ REM ############################################################## REM Deployment Server SET INST_SRV=\\server\deploy SET INST_LOG1="%TEMP\Mech2020.0.1.log" REM ############################################################## REM Mechanical 2020 IF EXIST %INST_LOG1% DEL %INST_LOG1% %INST_SRV%\mec_2020Img\Setup.exe /W /qb /I %INST_SRV%\mec_2020\Img\MECH_2020.ini /Trial /language de-de %INST_SRV%\Service\AutoCAD_Mechanical_2020.0.1_Update_64bit.exe /install /passiv /quiet /log %INST_LOG1% IF EXIST %INST_LOG1% START NOTEPAD %INST_LOG1% TIMEOUT /T 50
REM ############################################################## REM Erst mal aufs Lokales Laufwerk ! C: cd \ md temp REM ############################################################## REM Deployment Server SET INST_SRV=\\server\deploy SET INST_LOG1="%TEMP%\Inv2020.3.log" REM ############################################################## IF EXIST %INST_LOG1% DEL %INST_LOG1% %INST_SRV%\inv_2020\Img\Setup.exe /W /qb /I %INST_SRV%\inv_2020\Img\INV_2020.ini /Trial /language de-de %INST_SRV%\Service\Inventor_2020.3_Update.exe /install /passiv /quiet /log %INST_LOG1% IF EXIST %INST_LOG1% START NOTEPAD %INST_LOG1% TIMEOUT /T 50
Deployment Name : vlt_2020
REM ############################################################## REM Erst mal aufs Lokales Laufwerk ! C: cd \ REM ############################################################## REM Deployment Server SET INST_SRV=\\server\deploy SET INST_LOG1="%TEMP%\Inv2021.1.log" REM ############################################################## REM Vault 2020 IF EXIST %INST_LOG1% DEL %INST_LOG1% IF EXIST %INST_LOG2% DEL %INST_LOG2% IF EXIST %INST_LOG3% DEL %INST_LOG3% %INST_SRV%\vlt_2020\Img\Setup.exe /W /qb /I %INST_SRV%\vlt_2020\Img\VLT_2020.ini /Trial /language de-de "%INST_SRV%\Service\Autodesk_Vault_2020.3_Update_(Client).exe" /install /passiv /quiet /log %INST_LOG1% "%INST_SRV%\Service\Autodesk_Vault_2020.3.1_Update_(Client).exe" /install /passiv /quiet /log %INST_LOG2% "%INST_SRV%\Service\Autodesk_Vault_2020.3.2_Update_(Client).exe" /install /passiv /quiet /log %INST_LOG3% IF EXIST %INST_LOG1% START NOTEPAD %INST_LOG1% IF EXIST %INST_LOG2% START NOTEPAD %INST_LOG2% IF EXIST %INST_LOG3% START NOTEPAD %INST_LOG3% TIMEOUT /T 50